AMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts – How to Get The Most From Studying at an Art School

If you are planning to go to art college then it is important that you understand exactly how to both get the most from this experience and how to use your years at college to learn about the industry and increase your chances of being able to form a career in the arts. After school I was lucky enough to be accepted into the AMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts and it was the most incredible experience of my life. Because of the work that I put in during my time there I was able to use this as a launchpad to start working in theaters, and I put that down my college days. Here are some tips for you on how you can get the most out of this experience.
Let it Out
When you first get to an arts college and see what the other students are capable fo it can be quite overwhelming and it may even lead you to doubt your own abilities. The best advice that I can offer here is that you show exactly what you can do, don’t hide in the shadows or give muted performances because of low confidence. The only way in which you improve is when you are giving your all, and then understanding what areas you need to work on. People advance at different ages so never think that people are better than you, let your creativity out and don’t be ashamed of it.
Saying Yes
Studying at art college is incredibly hard and you will have to put in so many hours for rehearsals and performances, not to mention the classes themselves. To ensure that you give yourself the best opportunity of success at art college I would advise you to say yes to as many opportunities as possible. Just because you want to become an actor doesn’t mean that you can’t take on singing projects, say yes to as many chances as you can to flex your creative muscles, you may find that you have a hidden talent.
Watch and Learn
The tutors and professors who you run into during college are people who have already achieved what you are looking to achieve. They have already worked on Broadway plays and movie sets, and it is vital that you listen to the knowledge which they are trying to impart. You may not always agree with them but you have to respect what they have done and try to suck as much knowledge out of them as you possibly can in order to boost your own chances of success.
I went a little crazy in my first year in terms of socializing and it almost cost me, you simply cannot socialize and study in art colleges like you can in other types of colleges, there is just too much work to do. Focus o your studies, have fun later.