What Is Carbon Footprint

There is so much information out on how to reduce our Carbon Footprint but have you really thought What Is Carbon Footprint? When taking about a Carbon Footprint it refers to the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community. So ultimately every one of us is responsible for our own carbon footprint.
Activities of an Individual
Our day to day life releases many gasses into the atmosphere, whether it be our use of electricity, the way we commute to work or how wasteful we are with foods. Life is very technology orientated now so we all have tv’s, phones, some even laptops, computers, tablets. All these devices will need charging with use but leaving a plug in a socket when we have finished charging our devices is still using valuable energy and contributes hugely to our Carbon Footprint. The way an individual chooses to travel will also have a huge effect on their carbon footprint. Running, biking and walking are all ways that will reduce our Carbon Footprint but some have to use cars, trains and buses to commute and this too adds to the carbon footprint. It is better to use public transport as this enables a large number of people to travel together, using a car with few passengers is one of the biggest contributors to Carbon Footprint.
Activities of an Organization
There are many different ways that an organization can add to or reduce their Carbon Footprint, some simple ways are by using renewable energy sources and simply by using less paper in the office. By giving your office an energy upgrade like investing in good blinds and shading, upgrading your windows, conducting maintenance on your office’s central heating system, and switching to energy saving light bulbs. By replacing old, inefficient lighting with LED lights it will save an organization both electricity and money. Reducing the use of paper can contribute to a better carbon footprint. Using electronic modes of communication like emails, document sharing rather than print multiple copies of documents. This will also result in a reduction in the consumption of office supplies like ink cartridges, files and folders. Also try to recycle things as much as possible.
Activities of a Community
Again, there are many contributing factors to Carbon Footprint within a community but a couple of examples are reducing waste and divert it away from landfills. Decomposing trash can produce harmful methane emissions that are damaging to the environment. By diverting a community’s waste away from landfills will help them reduce carbon emissions. Another way is to produce more renewable energy. More than 50 percent of electricity in the United States comes from polluting coal-fired power plants. Renewable energy sources like solar, wind and biomass reduce air pollution and generate no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.
Carbon Footprint gasses released into the Earth’s atmosphere and everyone plays a part in contributing to it or helping to reduce it.