5 Reasons to Choose Flexible Packaging for Your Supplement Line

Snack food packaging has evolved through the years, creating more reliable storage and shipment options for a variety of products, including custom supplement packaging. One of the leading packaging methods for design and improved longevity is called flexible packaging. While many supplement manufacturers might not consider flexible packaging as an appropriate option for the distribution of their goods, nothing could be further from the truth. Flexible packaging offers at least five distinct advantages over other packaging options.
1. Sustainability
The ePac flexible packaging company is a leader in the field and expresses and praises the viability of such packages. While publicity around plastics and pollution seems to suggest that a plastic package is bad, in actuality, plastics can help to reduce a company’s carbon footprint. In fact, most pouch designs are recyclable, meaning limited, if any, impact on existing landfills. Also, since these packages have an air-tight seal, they improve the longevity of their contents.
2. Reduced Expenses
Flexible packaging also reduces manufacturing and logistical expenses. These containers are lightweight and allow for more compact shipping, which means that more of a product can be shipped in fewer shipments. Also, while less space is a fantastic bonus to flexible packaging, consider that less weight also equates to less gas, further reducing expenses and your business’s carbon footprint. Therefore, flexible packaging allows you to get more out of your budgetary dollars.
3. Digital Printing
Next, flexible packaging allows for versatility and speed of design. While most other forms of packaging require weeks of printing, flexible containers allow for digital printing, which can be completed in a fraction of the time it takes other more traditional methods. Therefore, once again, flexible packaging is saving your business money while maintaining the overall quality of the product.
4. Flexibility of Design
In addition to the availability of digital printing, flexible packaging allows for improved design capabilities overall. For example, companies can use high-impact, high-quality graphics and apply them to the entire package, creating a 360-degree branding opportunity. Essentially, flexible packaging allows companies to focus on increasing brand visibility on store shelves while simultaneously building a brand identity. No other packaging medium allows for such customization at such a reasonable price point.
5. Portability and Convenience
Last, and likely one of the most significant selling features of flexible packaging, it is portable and convenient for both businesses and consumers. While the versatility of design and reduced manufacturing costs are important and necessary to businesses, the most crucial factor for consumers is that companies consider their needs and market to that. Flexible packaging is designed to be a grab-and-go package. Therefore, this packaging style increases convenience and, thereby, your product’s usefulness to customers. Also, when you add the lightweight and durable nature of flexible packages, you genuinely have an unbeatable design.
Are you interested in flexible packaging for your supplement brand? If so, then contact a local packager specializing in flexible products and discuss your specific needs. Choosing to go with flexible designs means that your company understands the advantages as well as the cost-effectiveness of such a solution.