
Cannabis Growing Canada Guarantees Nearly 500 Home Grown Plants

If you’re wondering how many plants it’s possible to grow from home while residing in Canada, the answer is more complicated than you’d think. Most people would quickly answer by saying that only 4 plants are allowed to be grown within a Canadian household. In a way, this answer is not wrong, but it is not entirely correct either. 

Yes, the 4 plant rule applies to anyone who chooses to grow under the relatively new recreational cannabis laws, AKA the Cannabis Act. But undergoing a simple process can transform that number 4 into nearly 500 plants. That’s right, nearly 500 plants can be home grown for personal use in Canada. 

So you might be wondering, what’s the catch? This sounds too good to be true, so there has to be a catch, right? Actually, no, not really. As long as you live in Canada, can prove that you reside at a Canadian address, and are at least 19 years old, having your very own plants at home is possible – even if you’re hoping for nearly 500 of them. 

But wait, there is a slight catch. Before this can even be considered as a possibility, obtaining a medical marijuana prescription is necessary. Once that is done, the application must be filled out, and then it’s all about a waiting game before approval is officially granted by the government. This entire process will lead to what is called an ACMPR license to grow, and the process can be a bit difficult for those who choose to go at it alone. 

There’s No Need to Go At It Alone

When applicants go through the ACMPR process on their own, receiving a license for 500 plants is challenging. Luckily for those of you who have 500 plants on the agenda, there’s a solution that helps everything run smoothly. That solution involves partnering with a medical consulting agency called Cannabis Growing Canada. 

Cannabis Growing Canada has been a leading member of the medical marijuana ACMPR community for several years. The company’s main goal is to help any Canadian with a medical history obtain the treatment that they deserve. Cannabis Growing Canada believes that medical weed should be accessible to anyone who needs it. And what’s more accessible that growing from home?

Cannabis Growing Canada is currently the only ACMPR consulting firm to help applicants receive nearly 500 plants. The reason that CGC has made this possible is because of its partnerships with medical professionals. Cannabis Growing Canada partners with only compassionate doctors and nurse practitioners who understand that every patient’s medical marijuana needs are different. These medical professionals are willing to prescribe up to 95 grams per day, which is equivalent to roughly 500 plants. 

How to Get Started with Cannabis Growing Canada

CGC makes the entire process easier than you could ever imagine. It all starts with clicking the link above, filling out the contact form, and waiting for an email to appear in your inbox. From there, the ACMPR experts will walk you through the entire process and essentially hold your hand until the official license is received in the mail.
