Real Estate

Short Term Corporate Housing is The Best Choice for Temporary Staff

The business world has had some really big changes over the past decade or so, and companies today must do what they can to keep pace. Because of the speed of changes in business, companies can find it difficult to plan.

For example, projecting how many of your products you will need is complicated and risky to just make lots and stick them away in warehouses. There is a chance that styles or tastes will change so quickly you will find your products outdated before you can sell them.

Smart companies have adopted just-in time manufacturing and distribution strategies to allow them to quickly ramp up when more product is needed. This has also become a part of how companies hire. Many no longer keep large staff employed on a full time, year round basis. Instead, they keep a small core staff and ramp up when projects products or services that they offer require a bigger workforce.

This approach allows companies to save money on salaries, healthcare costs and if they have to house workers, they use short term corporate housing. 

It also allows companies to use workers from the Gig economy. The advantage to gig workers is that they come fully trained and work as independent contractors who are easy to move in and out of a company. These temporary workers are in high demand today because of the benefits they provide companies.

In the event that these workers are hired from another city or state or are working at a remote location, companies should use short term housing for their accommodations. Here are a few reasons why it is the right solution.

Why Short Term Housing?

When a company moves workers to a city they expect that workforce to get up and work as quickly as possible. Short term corporate housing companies understand this and they have developed a process to get workers set up quickly in living spaces that are clean, attractive and full service. There are features that include comfortable rooms, gyms, pools and saunas, and areas where they can relax on the property.

There are also work space areas with office machines and private areas to take and make phone calls.

Short term corporate housing offers great rates for your company and because it offers so many businesses amenities, you get an even greater value.

Additionally you can work with one of the larger companies that has corporate housing in many city centers. If your company is looking to move temporary staff into several offices, one corporate housing company might be able to accommodate all of your needs.

The best way for companies to deal with the speed of business is to make decisions that get them what they need exactly when they need it. This includes hiring staff. If your business hires temporary workers that you need to house, corporate housing is the best choice for accommodations.
