Nabil Fakih – Reasons to Love Working Online

I was 21 years old when my good friend Nabil Fakih told me that he was going to quit his job and start an online business. Back then nobody did this and I actually laughed when he first announced his intentions. Two years later however I would be laughing on the other side of my face as Nabil and his hard work had paid off and he was on the cusp of the internet explosion which took over business, ready to collect on those years of hustle. Naturally I wanted in immediately and Nabil was very humble and very kind and he helped me to get set up with an online income.
I have been working online now for over 8 years and honestly it is just the best life that I could have dreamed of. If you aren’t sure whether or not this life could be for you, here is what I love about it , see if you can picture yourself doing it.
Freedom of Movement
The most important thing for me is location independence, no matter where I am at home or around the world, I can connect and I can get work done when needs be. I am not one of those who loves to work on the beach or in some luxury hotel, holidays are exactly what it says on the tin. Nonetheless the idea that I can be in a cafe, a bar, a restaurant or my bed and still work is a huge benefit to me.
No Asking
When I had a more traditional job I used to despise having to ask for vacation time, or for an afternoon off to go to the doctor or for permission to do anything if I am being honest. All of that has paled into history now as I can do what I want and when I want. As long as I can keep my clients happy there is nothing stopping me from working at any hour which I choose.
No Commute
My commute used t one an hour and a half each way when I worked in my old job, 3 hours per day doing nothing more than traveling and sitting in traffic. When I think about that now I think about the additional 3 hours which I have in my life and I have even made a note of that on my notice board to remind me that I have to make the very best of those 3 hours.
Finally I love the fact that there is no ceiling when you work online, there is no finite amount of money which you can make and the world really is your oyster. You could have multiple businesses across different industries and as long as you can manage your time there is nothing stopping you from doing whatever you like.
This is a wonderful lifestyle and I would urge you to think about whether or not it is for you.